The project

Project summary

LIFE Godwit Flyway

The project „Conservation of the Black-tailed Godwit along the flyway“ aims at creating optimized habitats for the Black-tailed Godwit (Limosa limosa limosa) along its East Atlantic Flyway. This includes measures in the most important breeding sites in Lower Saxony, in the central staging site in Portugal, and in significant wintering sites in The Gambia, West Africa.

A sharp decreasing trend of Black-tailed Godwit populations has been observed in the last three decades as a direct consequence of agricultural intensification, habitat loss, and increasing predation which resulted in low reproductive success and chick survival rates. Reversing this trend is necessary to maintain healthy populations of this umbrella species, that will benefit many associated wet-grassland breeding birds.

Black-tailed Godwit pictures

Project goals

The project builds on the expertise of a consortium of ecologists and conservationists in Germany, The Netherlands, Portugal, and The Gambia. It is articulated around 10 work packages, with actions aiming at:

  1. Strengthening and expanding the capacities of core breeding areas in Lower Saxony, Germany, by optimizing breeding habitat and predation management.
  2. Improving wetland bird habitats in staging sites in the Tagus estuary in Portugal, which is considered a migratory hub along the East Atlantic Flyway. Actions in Portugal will include restoring saltpans and coastal lagoons and implementing bird friendly rice farming practices.
  3. Implementing climate-adapted and bird friendly rice farming practices and wetland restoration in The Gambia to provide suitable wintering habitat for Black-tailed Godwit. Additionally, the project will support the designation of a 176,750 ha UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in The Gambia, that will benefit of both nature and people.

LIFE Godwit Flyway is designed to supplement ongoing European actions for the conservation of Black-tailed Godwit and associated wet-grassland breeding birds, including the LIFE19 IPE/DE/000004 GrassBirdHabitats.